Weight loss lessons – Ugly pictures leaked!

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There are some outrageous things that you do in the name of that glorious purpose, and these pictures here are leaked with that in mind. I am someone who would report a picture if someone tagged me in a poorly taken photo. This move is something significant to me, and all I have is good intentions for your health, and I hope it helps to inspire you in one way or another.

Date of this picture was 28th Aug 2016.

It was the day that I picked my prescription for a diet, and on 1st Sep 2016, I started the whole works!

Good things never come easy, and the first thing I did was to go shopping for the things I needed to make this diet work. It was somewhat overwhelming, and the rebel in me tried to kick in, not forgetting to mention the part where I would have to measure everything. I mean everything (from vegetables to even how many crackers we get to eat). I was standing way too long in the kitchen, and it made my ankles hurt again..argh! Reminder on why I need to get this started to even begin with!

Here on the right was taken in Jul and left is Dec 2016. You would have seen all my other pictures by now via social media ~ 15kg down, and yes, I did something. It has been more than a year, and I am still looking the same (I hope!). The weight is going up a wee little due to my bad habits, and while I am typing away, it is leading me to a place where I am reminding myself to make some changes to work on things once again!

Truthfully, I never felt any less fabulous before and now. Don’t forget; I am the President of  Eile’s self-love club hello!  In September 2016, I started this journey with the recommendation of a dear friend who said she met someone who went through this process and went from XL to M size without any exercise. Can you beat that?! Till today I have not seen that friend who went smaller, but I am always grateful to the one who told me about it. More thankful for the ones who kept me going and even joined me!

In the course of my work, I have been processing many claims for my clients, and within that, it made me relook at my life and realised how much I love it. I have a job that is meaningful, a loving family, a cute pet pug, a bunch of tight friends and a big dharma family. What more to ask. I didn’t want to regret. The regret that if something comes, I would have to say I should have been healthier, I should have lost weight. With that, I started on this journey. The pure intention of wanting to be around a wee bit longer.

Six months later and 15kg lighter. These lessons, I kept close to my heart and understood myself better too. There were struggles. There was even more frustration. But now, habits I will retain for a lifetime.

I am listing the key things that worked for me, but of course, if you would like to experience the whole works, I can show you the directions. Shout out if you need any help!

The magic is actually just a combo of water, sleep and space. 3 litres of water, 8 hours of sleep and 5 hours in between meals is what I swear by now. Trust me, I am a foodie, and I have a mind of my own.

Halfway through the journey, I was still lamenting on having more presence being that plus sized girl and looking at the pictures now, a fresher me who can get around faster, I laughed at myself. Is Eile really Eile? Is there a fixated image of what I think of or others cast on or is there more to it?

The classic was the fact that I was a carbo girl and I thought I would die without rice. And now, I think I am “allergic” to it. I have now taken a different approach to sharing. (In the past we also share, order a big main dish and order some more things to share!) Please do not worry, with these new habits; you actually can still get to eat a good variety (just order one main and even lesser sides!) ~ As le Guru once told me, this is called tasting everything but eating nothing. How interesting?! If I, Miss Iron teeth (aka stubborn) can change my mind, what else?

Our minds have magical powers. The power of thinking that black coffee tastes terrible and that I will get a gastric attack make me hate it. For the diet, I was not supposed to take milk, sugar and carbs. I judged the coffee, but the moment I opened up and try, it was really ok. And so, is it always the item itself or our minds playing tricks on us?!

With precision on the amount and type of food I get to eat, I learnt that I have been a lot more aware. Awareness of our actions once again ladies and gentlemen. Even cutting out the vegetables so as not to waste and also carefully preparing it to make it taste better. This is one power lesson as it is!!

Everything takes effort, from relationships to even our health, so why leave it to the risk of regretting. It is all about choices we make in life, isn’t it? Sometimes it is a yes or no, and no one else needs to tell us. It is within us to take that step, make that decision or just get up and do something and this applies to all the aspects of our lives.

I love myself and the ones around me so I took responsibility to do something about it so I can enjoy it longer. With the lessons learnt, may we all continue to have a little less judgement and a lot more celebrations!

P.s: I am still trying out new things to lose that little more as the actual healthy weight is almost a dream for now though I will continue to work hard. Please do share with me your tips and tricks!
