Unleash that cleaning monster in You!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It is the time of the year to catch on that spring cleaning fever. Somehow, I have been known by my friends to be that Type A character, so I reckon you can count on some tips that I have picked up over the years.

According to studies, people with Type A personality traits are aggressive, ambitious, controlling, highly competitive, preoccupied with status, workaholics, hostile, and lack patience. In my case, I am just anal about keeping things neat and like I have said before, in “The art of doing it all” that with less “baggage” (in every way) you can run faster. Now, brace yourselves and unleash that cleaning monster within you.

Following are the ten tips that I swear by!

  1. Choose an official auspicious spring cleaning date.

I am sure that there are many online sources these days and I swear by my calendar from Thekchen Choling. (Let me know if you need some help checking that out!) Do note that this would be the goal date for completion and NOT the day to do the deed, trust me; it will be too overwhelming (even just for one bedroom). Weeks before is prep time to purge the various rooms or sections one by one and on that day it is official wipe down and you are done.

  1. Proper equipment and help.

When my part-time helper came by the very first time to save my life ( this season marks our anniversary), she gave me some “adult” advice, and it was to get a heavy-duty iron and a proper ladder! Boy, did I grow up? The rest was history. These things and people go a long way, and it is essential to invest in quality to achieve efficiency.

  1. Wardrobe malfunction NOT allowed

Time to purge out those not so white tops, panties that are already loose or clothes that you haven’t worn since forever. Deep down, you know you are wearing that few killer pieces (and feel fabulous in) that way too often and we always think that we will wear that dress in the dark corner of the wardrobe one beautiful day. Let’s be frank, it is not going to happen, and maybe it is time to donate it out to benefit someone else. It is time to make sure we only buy those items we will use instead of impulsing and grabbing that top just because it is on sale.

  1. Vinegar is your best friend

From floors to windows, you have no idea. Try and then thank me later.

  1. Safety first

From appliances to expired food. You know what I mean with this header, isn’t it?! Don’t play play. Check and triple check.

  1. Shoes

Don’t want to have an embarrassing moment where your soles fall off you at that spot when you tiptoe to kiss your hot date?!  An outfit is not complete without the perfect shoes, and as you know, it is your health that is at stake as well. When the heels are already slanting in, please don’t wear them out already can?! It is a fashion mistake, you may risk the fashion police catching you!

  1. Deep clean everything

From furniture, fittings to your fridge. Purge and clean will be your mantra and let’s get it out of the way once and for all. You also know that you may only be doing this only once a year, so might as well let’s get it done well and make sure everything is sparkling and bright.

  1. Change is good!

Just like hairstyles, it is refreshing to move things around and perhaps it is even time to get that feng shui master to review and get ready to have a total makeover! After twelve years, we are embarking on a massive reno soon, and we are excited!

  1. Box it all up

With the madness of life kicking in, I can understand that you do not have the time to clear things up. I usually sort my stuff into boxes and then review them one of the weekends many moons down the road. The worse case when guests come by, it still does not look like a war zone. Tip of the day: if you can’t do it now, hide it up nicely and do later aka fake it till you make it.

  1. Home is where the heart is

With all these being said, I also want to send a reminder to self and all that while we work so hard every day to bring food to the table and warmth to the family, are we spending time with our loved ones?! Time to make a change and make things work!

Here’s one wishing everyone a Huatzy year ahead. Off to dust that picture and wipe off that fingerprint in the mirror![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]