The Last Serenade – My Legacy Video


This forms the first draft of a project that I am working on and I would like to log it out there so that when I look back and load the finished product, we can see the difference. Enjoy!

Hello everyone. This is Eile, and if you still don’t know how to pronounce my name, it is like elated without the “ted”.  This round, the name is extra important because it is something I hope that by the end of this video, you will remember it for the right reasons.

This video is meant to be like a happy letter to everyone for the just in case, and it is coming from a right place in my heart. I am perfectly healthy and well, so please do not panic and I have been wanting to do this since I started my journey of learning more about estate planning.

I want you to watch this without crying, and I want you to remember me in this pretty state, not how I look like when I am in my box. If I have a way, I may even be orchestrating this whole event and make it a party ok. Come on, the funeral is the biggest party we will ever have, how can we not plan appropriately for it?

I know the things I will say may change over time, this is the first raw draft, and I am putting it out in the open because Who knows right. But I guess the words and feelings will always remain the same.

First thing first, for housekeeping matters, Allan, the will is in the safe, and I have also included an SOP and a sheet with all my passwords for anything, and everything you need to know is all in a file. Bring to a lawyer, and they will help you sort things out ok.

Just like those wedding montage, I also want to showcase the cutesy side of me. Born into the Goh family in 1981, I am the oldest of the 3 children. I know I brought a lot of joy because there will always be stories of me dancing on demand with my chubby body. I know I also brought a lot of worries during those delinquent years, but hey, I turned out alright isn’t it. Whatever it is, this fu mu en, I know I can never repay it all, but I just hope I did my best and for all the people I have seen in this lifetime, I hope I brought you some good vibes along the way.

Dearest friends and loved ones, I want to say so many many thank you. If I didn’t tell you as often as I should how much I love you, I am sorry, and before I go on, I want to apologise to all the people that I have hurt or pissed off before, it was unintentional, and I was also learning how to be a person. I hope that you can accept my apologies with grace and let’s move on together ok. 

First thing first, family. Thank you for everything. Please don’t be sad, your ah mei, da jie or even da yi is off to a better place, and please continue to take care of each other. The young ones,  please be a useful person and continue to make the family proud.

Next, I would like to thank the person who turned my life. Dearest Sifu, thank you for all these years of never giving up on me, for accepting who I am and teaching us the Dharma. And as they always say and I mean it when I say this, from now until samsara ends, may I never be separated from my perfect guru. Please live a long and stable life, and I am sorry for not being this best disciple. Please forgive me.

Here is one for all my best friends. You know who you are. With you guys, this journey has become so much easier. Thank you for always hearing me rawr, thank you for checking my outfit, makeup and listening to all my crazy stories. I am such a bimbo. I become so silly when I want to hide this soft part of me. You people know de. I love you all a lot. Always remember the times we have so much laughter. Always ok.

To the Dharma brothers and sisters, clients, colleagues and friends, what would I be without you guys? My work and the temple plays such an essential part of my life, and all I wanted to do in this video is personally thank you for being you. For your love, trust, friendship and support. Really Xie Xie.

Last but not least, to my darling, Allan. As I always say, and as everyone knows, I sayang you the most, and I still mean it and always will. Thank you for all these years. Despite my insanity, thank you for always loving me in your own silly Uncle ways. I know. I really, but I just must agitate you like this so that you will live a longer life than me,  remember? Must always take care of yourself ok. I love you so much, you just have no idea.

There is so much more to say, but I will leave it to the next round. This is the first draft after all, but even just the writing is making me cry buckets. But I must say this, doing this has been so liberating and it is sending me so many reminders to treasure everything so much more and while I am around, be sure that I will be a useful person and bring more significance to everything that I do.  Thank you, everyone. I love you guys!
