Serious title it seems but fret not, here’s one on a topic I hold close and I promise it will be fun! This article was written after my random thoughts from that yoga stretch class the other night! (no Yoga extraordinaire but stretch and basic will be my favourite just because I don’t dare to try the more challenging ones as at and with that said, maybe I should!)
The truth is, I am writing this is because I am guilty. Guilty as charged that after my 15-day solo vipassana meditation retreat in Chiangmai some years ago, I have not done much to share the love.
Till today, I must say this out loud – It was the best thing I did for myself. Ever. Meditation is one skill that everyone should pick up!
With these yoga lessons, it gives me some time to breathe into every part of my body and feed it with some air that is ever so lacking from the madness of our everyday life. When the lesson ended, le teacher (aka a dear friend who owns Ziva Yoga (Tiong Bahru) @ 10 Seng Poh Road) told me that my body was craving for a stretch as she saw how my body was falling into place with all the poses. Here is the part I ask, when was the last time you breathed deep and stretched that tired body of yours? Or did you forget that we are even breathing?
With every breath I took, random thoughts kept swimming in my head. As much as we were “supposed ” to be meditating and focus on the present, some bright ideas came up, and I was ticking off the imaginary to-do list in my head. In the past, I would get so frustrated and snap myself out of it (which by the time my mind stays still, the class has ended).
From my understanding (triple checked with several masters, confirm chop stamp) there is no fault with having thoughts while meditating, so don’t ever feel sorry for it! It is all about acknowledging that you are thinking and you will be surprised that our minds move so very quickly, and we can hardly even keep up (words being spoken out of anger happening much?). I am no master nor saint. I am just human. Trust me, I have made my mistakes, and it was during my retreat that I managed to sit down, alone, purge everything out and started anew from then.
The word of this whole article would be Awareness! The power to catch those thoughts and kindly acknowledging them and then going back to focus on that breathe. And the all-important note on breathing is this – The Present moment. (*cue neon lights*). With every breath in and another out, that moment has truly passed. You can never take that moment back and can you imagine if we put this method of thinking into use for every freaking thing we do? With that breathe out, that moment has passed, and it shows us the impermanent nature of life, something so simple like breathing. So basic but something we often forget.
In it all, if we can all just take that one breathe in before reacting, I am sure changes will happen. To be honest, whenever there is something that doesn’t fit into my “frame”, that short-tempered monster in me flares. While it seems so easy for me to type here “like-a-pro”, the journey hasn’t been easy and penning this down is one sure way of bringing back the lessons I have learnt.
While we are all fighting our demons, be that brave one to counter those feelings within and emerge stronger than before. This season has been a bunch of postponed appointments, and the old me would crash and burn in the madness, but frankly, I have been taking it well, with each breath, knowing that it is not all there is to life and that things are impermanent. I better do this more after taking all the trouble to make that message of Impermanence stay permanently on my wrist!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. It is a writing diarrhoea situation here as it has been held back for this long. Off I go to continue grounding my motivation to share love and light. Shine bright people. Till the next post!♡
