Here’s introducing someone that I meet on a weekly basis since I had some major issues with my ankle(all thanks to the many years of “power” heels). Say Hello to my dear friend, Dr Audrey Choh, Director and co-founder of Chirotherapy Singapore.
Dr. Audrey is a local Chiropractor trained in Australia, helping to make a difference to Singapore’s health one spine at a time. Having a healthy spine can mean a long life without pain or dysfunction. Together with some Chiro friends, she has opened a one-stop healing space for those who want to experience health and healing like nowhere else before.
Looking at her busy schedule and long hours, it really made me curious and with that came this interview. I hope these little sneak peeks give you a different light and can inspire you one way or another.
1. What is your typical day like?
Walking into my workspace is like my little Haven. A good energy always surrounds me when I walk in, even though I am mostly the first one in clinic and lights are still off. Always good to be early! Once patients start coming in for morning shift, everyone is in the clinic, the energy is pumping and there are smiles everywhere. It is a good place to come to work. Everyone around me is busy adjusting spines, doing stretches, learning about their health, laughing and sharing stories about their life or having some food to share (strange, but we have a lot of food gifts in the clinic!). This happens all day!
2. Most memorable case or experience?
There was a young Mom who had been desperately seeking treatments and therapies from many, many avenues. From general practitioners to specialists, to MRI, blood tests, other alternative treatments, massages… And most of the time she would always get told that there was ‘nothing wrong’. And be sent home. She lived like that with her real pain and her fears, worries and concerns for a long time.
One day, she finally walked into my clinic and we had a chat to find out what’s going on. It finally came for her to get her first adjustment and treatment with me, she was in tears, shocked, laughing and tearing. She looked me dead in the eye and said, “I feel different, something’s changed.” I am not a miracle worker, it still took her some time to get her body healing and moving as much as it needed. But what happened, was; I listened to her, listened to her body, allowed her to understand and overcome change and healing. And she allowed her body to heal with no reservation. That, made me believe in what I do, why I do, how I do what I do with my hands, with my mind, with my body. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.
3. Any advice for everyone?
My advice is for people to believe that their body can heal. That, we have the chance to love our body and treat it the way it should after the way we use it. I wish everyone can give their mind, body and soul the right amount of love and attention it needs!
We are organising an event on 19th Jan 2019 at 3pm. It will be a casual get together at Chirotherapy’s premise at 190 Middle Road #14-07, Fortune Centre Singapore 188979. There will be a free spinal scanning for everyone and some giveaways. Do look out for my One Minute with Eile Goh newsletter for details.